Forskningsgruppe for trombose og hemostase

Medlemmer med beskrivelse av rolle


Waleed Ghanima, PhD, overlege hematologProfessor
Mazdak Tavoly, PhD, overlege akuttmedisinPost Doc
Aleksandra Galovic, PhD, overlege kardiologPost Doc
Ole Christian Rutherford, stipendiat, LIS kardiologiPhD
Jostein Gleditsch, stipendiat, overlegeStipendiat
Synne G. Frønæs, stipendiat, LIS medisin Post Doc
Øyvind Jervan, stipendiat, LIS kardiologi Stipendiat
Thor David Halstensen, stipendiat, sykepleierStipendiat
Camilla T. Jørgensen, stipendiat, trombosesykepleier Stipendiat
Elia Asady, stipendiat, legeStipendiat
Stacey Haukeland-Parker, stipendiat, fysioterapeutStipendiat
Lamya Garabet, stipendiat, overlege medisinsk biokjemi Post Doc
Galina Tsykunova, stipendiat, overlege hematolog Stipendiat
Eirik Tjønnfjord, lege, tromboseLege
Christina Roaldsnes, sykepleierKoordinator
Heidi Hassel Pettersen, sykepleierForskningssykepleier

​Birgitte Tholin, lege
Stipendiat ​


Gruppen fokuserer på klinisk forskning innen venøs tromboembolisme (VTE) og immun trombocytopeni (ITP). Vår VTE-forskning omfatter epidemiologiske, diagnostiske og behandlings-studier samt kartlegging av langtidsutkomme og helserelatert livskvalitet. Vi har dog hatt et spesielt fokus på langtidsfølger etter VTE; Vi har et pågående multisenter prosjekt hvor vi undersøker årsaker til vedvarende tungpustenhet etter lungeemboli, og hvorvidt denne gruppen kan ha nytte av et strukturert rehabiliteringsprogram. Dette er et omfattende prosjekt som involverer 8 PhD-stipendiater fra ulike fagfelt; fysikalsk medisin, kardiologi, indremedisin og radiologi. Vi har dessuten etablert et register for VTE i Østfold (TROLL registeret), som per i dag består av 6500 pasienter. TROLL er det eneste VTE-register i Norge og har gitt opphav til flere av pågående prosjekter.

Gruppen har utstrakt forskningsaktivitet innen ITP og er ledende i Norge innen dette feltet. Gruppen fokuserer på testing av nye behandlinger for ITP, epidemiologiske og diagnostiske studier, kartlegging av behandlingsrelaterte bivirkninger og underliggende mekanismer, samt patofysiologiske mekanismer ved ITP.

Gruppen har et utbredt nasjonalt og internasjonalt samarbeid inklusiv, samarbeid med akademiske miljøer og legemiddelindustri og har stor vitenskapelig produksjon innen disse to feltene. 


Prosjekter gruppen har startet etter at gruppestatus ble gitt


VTEPulmonary rehabilitation to improve physical capacity after PE – a multicenter RCTWaleed Ghanima
VTERivaroxaban for scheduled work up of DVT (Ri-Schedule)Waleed Ghanima
VTELong-term outcomes of DVT and pulmonary embolism – multicenter studyWaleed Ghanima
VTEPredicting the risk of recurrent venous thromboembolism and bleeding by using machine learningAleksandra Grdnic Galovic
VTEUse of machine learning to improve the diagnosis of DVT Waleed Ghanima
ITPProlonging the effect of rituximab in ITP – multicenter international RCTWaleed Ghanima
ITPCoagulation activation in thrombopoietin treated ITP patientsWaleed Ghanima
ITPDaratumumab as a treatment for adult ITPWaleed Ghanima

Publikasjoner 2021
1.       Jervan, Øyvind, Gleditsch, Jostein, Tavoly, M., Klok, F.A., Rashid, Diyar, Holst, R., Steine, K., Stavem, K., Ghanima, Waleed (2021). Pulmonary and cardiac variables associa​​ted with persistent dyspnea after pulmonary embolism. Thrombosis Research 201:90-99  Cristin-ID: 1918208
2.       Ahmed, Jamal, Stenkula, Charlotte, Omar, Sherwan, Ghanima, Josef, Bremtun, Fredrik Førsund, Bergan, Jonas, Raouf, Nezar, Ghanima, Waleed (2021). Patient outcomes after electrical injury: a retrospective study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 29:114 Cristin-ID: 1930601
3.       Asady, Elia, Ghanima, Waleed, Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars-Petter, Klok, F.A., Kahn, S.R., Strømme, H., Wik, H.S. (2021). Health-related quality-of-life questionnaires for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: a systematic review on questionnaire development and methodology. Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis  Cristin-ID: 1953011

4.       Bavalia, R., Bistervels, I.M., Boersma, W.G., Quere, I., Brisot, D., Falvo, N., Stephan, D., Couturaud, F., Schellong, S., Bever-Westerdorf, J., Montaclair, K., Ghanima, Waleed, Wolde, M.T., Coppens, M., Ferrari, E., Sanchez, O.,Carroll, P., Roy, P.-M., Kahn, S.R., Meijer, K., Birocchi, S., Kovacs, M.J., Hugman, A.M., Cate, S.T., Wik, H., Pernod, G., Sevestre-Pietri, M.-A., Grosso, M.A., Shi, M., Lin, Y., Hutten, B.A., Verhammer, P., Middeltorp, S. (2021). Quality of life in patients pulmonary embolism treated with edoxaban versus warfarin. Research and Practice of Thrombosis and Haemostasis


5.       Boon, G.J.A.M., Janssen, S.M.J., Barco, S., Bogaard, H.J., Ghanima, Waleed, Kroft, L.J.M., Meijboom, L.J., Ninaber, M.K., Nossent, E.H., Spruit, M.A., Symersky, P., Vliegen, H.W.,  Noordegraaf, A.V., Huisman, M.V., Siegerink, B., Abbink, J.J., Klok, F.A. (2021). Efficacy and safety of a 12-week outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation program in Post-PE Syndrome. Thrombosis Research 206:66-75  Cristin-ID: 1953500


6.       Cooper, N., Cucker, A., Bonner, N., Ghanima, Waleed, Provan, D., Morgan, M., Taylor, B., D'Alessio, D., Arnold, D., Vians, R. (2021). Qualitative study to support the content validity of the immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) Life Quality Index (ILQI). British Journal of Haematology   Cristin-ID: 1931693


7.       Delluc, A., Ghanima, Waleed, Kovacs, M.J., Shivakumar, S., Kahn, S.R., Sandset, P.M., Kearon, C., Mallick, R., Rodger, M.A. (2021). Statins for venous event reduction in patients with venous thromboembolism: a multicenter randomized controlled pilot trial assessing feasibility. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis


8.       Einvik, G., Dammen, T., Ghanima, Waleed, Heir, T., Stavem, K. (2021). Prevalence and risk factors for post-traumatic stress in hospitalized and non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18:2079  Cristin-ID: 1913891


9.       Ghanima, Waleed, Gernsheimer, T., Kuter, D. (2021). How I treat primary ITP in adult patients who are unresponsive to or dependent on corticosteroid treatment. Blood 137(29): 2736-2744  Cristin-ID: 1915584


10.   Ghanima, Waleed, Schultze, A., Donaldson, R., Brodin, E.E., Halvorsen, S., Graham, S., Carroll, R., Ulvestad, M., Lambrelli, D. (2021). Oral anticoagulation therapy for venous thromboembolism in Norway: time trends and treatment patterns. Clinical Therapeutics 43(7):1179-1190  Cristin-ID: 1917852


11.   Gleditsch, Jostein., Jervan, Øyvind. Tavoly,, M. Geier, O., Holst, René., Klok, F.A., Ghanima Waleed & Hopp, E. (2021). Association between myocardial fibrosis, as assessed with cardiac magnetic resonance T1 mapping, and persistent dyspnea after pulmonary embolism. IJC Heart & Vasculature. Cristin-ID: 1976051


12.   Gotschalck, M.A., Nørgaard, M., Risbo, N., Christiansen, C.F., Bahmanyar, S., Ghanima, Waleed, Alam, N., Frederiksen, H., Nielson, C.M., Sørensen, H.T. (2021). Predictors for and outcomes after bone marrow biopsy in Scandinavian patients with chronic immune thrombocytopenia. European Journal of Haematology  Cristin-ID: 1921042


13.   Halvorsen, S., Johnsen, S.P., Madsen, M., Linder, M., Sulo, G., Ghanima, Waleed, Gislason, G., Hohnloser, S.H., Jenkins, A., A.-K., Tell, G.S., Ehrenstein, V. (2021). Effectiveness and safety of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants and warfarin in atrial fibrillation: a Scandinavian population-based cohort study. European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes


14.   Rutherford, O.C., Jonassen, C., Ghanima, Waleed, Söderdahl, F., Halvorsen, S. (2021). Effectiveness and safety of oral anticoagulants in elderly patients with  atrial fibrillation. Heart  Cristin-ID: 1915764


15.   Stals, M.A.S., Takada, T., Kraaijpoel, N., van Es, N., Büller, H.R., Courtney, D.M., Freund, Y., Galipienzo, J., Le Gal, Ghanima, Waleed, Huisman, M.V., Kline, J.A., Moons, K.G.M., Parpia, S., Perrier, A., Righin, M., Robert-Ebadi, H., Roy, P.-M., van Smeden, M., Wells, P.S., Wit. K.D., Geersing, G.-J., Klok, F.A. (2021). Safety and Efficiency of diagnostic strategies for ruling out pulmonary embolism in clinically relevant patient subgroups : A systematic review and individual-patient data meta-analysis. Annals of Internal Medicine


16.   Stavem, K., Ghanima, Waleed, Olsen, Magnus K., Gilboe, H.M., Einvik, G. (2021). Prevalence and determinants of fatigue after COVID-19 in non-hospitalized subjects: a population-based study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(4):2030  Christin-ID: 1913864


17.   Sørvoll, I.H., Horvei, K.D., Ernstsen, S.L., Lægreid, I.J., Lund, S., Grønli, R.H., Olsen, Magnus Kringstad, Jacobsen, Hege Karine, Eriksson, Anna, Halstensen, Anne Marie, Tjønnfjord, Eirik, Ghanima, Waleed, Ahlen, M.T. (2021). An observational study to identify the prevalence of thrombocytopenia and anti-PF4/polyanion antibodies in Norwegian health care workers after COVID-19 vaccination. Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis  Cristin-ID: 1918429


18.   Tholin, Birgitte, Ghanima, Waleed, Einvik, G., Aarli, B., Brønstad, E., Skjønsberg, O.H., Stavem, K. (2021). Incidence of thrombotic complications in hospitalised and non-hospitalised patients after COVID-19 diagnosis. British Journal of Haematology Cristin-ID: 1921936


19.   Van Dam, L.F., Dronkers, C.E.A., Gautam, G., Eckerbom, Å., Ghanima, Waleed, Gleditsch, Jostein, van Haren, G.R., von Heijne, A., Huisman, M.V., Stöger, J.L., Westerlund, E., Kroft, L.J.M., Klok, F.A. (2021). Detection of upper extremity deep vein thrombosis by magnetic resonance non-contrast thrombus imaging. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 1:8  Cristin-ID: 1931712


20.   Van Dam, L.F., van den Hout, W.B., Gautam, G., Dronkers, C.E.A., Ghanima, Waleed, Gleditsch, Jostein, von Heijne, A., Hofstee, H.M., Hovens, M.M.C., Huisman, M.V., Kolman, S., Marihu, A.T.A., Nijkeuter, M., van de Ree, M.A., van Rooden, C.J., Westerbeek, R.E., Westerink, J., Westerlund, E., Kroft, L.J.M., Klok, F.A. (2021). Cost-effectiveness of magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosing recurrent ipsilateral deep vein thrombosis. Blood Advances 5(5):1369-1378 10.1182/bloodadvances.2020003849 Cristin-ID: 1921117


21.   Viana, R., D'Alessio, D., Grant, L., Cooper, N., Arnold, D., Morgan, M., Provan, D., Cuker, A., Hill, Q.A., Tomiyana, Y., Ghanima, Waleed (2021). Psychometric evaluation of ITP Life Quality Index (ILQI) in a global survey of patients with immune thrombocytopenia. Advances in Therapy   Cristin-ID: 1955423


22.   Wik, H.S., Kahn, S.R., Eriksson, H., Morrison, D., Ghanima, Waleed, Schulman, S., Sandset, P.M. (2021). Post-traumatic syndrome in patients with venous thromboembolism treated with dabigatran or warfarin: a long-term cross-sectional follow-up of RE-COVER study patients. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis  Cristin-ID: 1926617


23.   Strand, H., Garabet, Lamya, Bjelke, B., Sithiravel, C., Hardang, I.M., Moe, M.K. (2021). β-amyloid  in cerebrospinal fluid: how to keep it floating (not sticking) by standardization of preanalytic processes and collection tubes. Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine Cristin-ID: 1949429

​Publikasjoner 2020​

Boccia, R., Cooper, N., Ghanima, Waleed, Boxer, M.A., Hill, Q.A., Scholzberg, M., Tarantino, M.D., Todd, L.K., Tong, S., Bussel, J.B. (2020). Fostamatinib is an effective second-line therapy in patients with immune thrombocytopenia. British Journal of Haematology
Cristin-ID: 1824465

Boon, G.J.A.M., Barco, S., Bertoletti, L., Ghanima, Waleed, Huisman, M.V., Kahn, S.R., Noble, S., Prandoni, P., Rosovsky, R.P., Sista, A.K., Siegerink, B., Klok, F.A. (2020). Measuring functional limitations after venous thromboembolosm: optimization of the post-VTE functional status (PVFS) scale. Thrombosis Research 190:45-61

Cooper, N., Kruse, A., Kruse, C., Watson, S., Morgan, M., Provan, D., Ghanima, Waleed, Arnold, D.M., Tomiyama, Y., Santoro, C., Michel, M., Laborde, S., Lovencic, B., Hou, M., Bailey, T., Taylor-Stokes, G., Haening, J., Bussel, J.B. (2020). Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) World Impact Survey (I-WISh): patient and physician perceptions of diagnosis, signs and symptoms, and treatment. American Journal of Haemology

Frønæs, Synne G., Dahm, A.E.A, Wiik, H.S., Jørgensen, Camilla T., Gleditsch, Jostein, Raouf, Nezar, Holst, René, Klok, F.A., Ghanima, Waleed (2020). Safety and feasibility of rivaroxaban in deferred workup of patients with suspected deep vein thrombosis. Blood Advances 4(11):2468-2476   Cristin-ID: 1821940

Frønæs, Synne G., Jørgensen, Camilla T., Dahm, A.E.A., Wiik, H.S., Gleditsch, Jostein, Raouf, Nezar, Holst, René, Klok, F.A., Ghanima, Waleed (2020). Safety of a strategy combining D-dimer testing and whole-leg ultrasonography to rule out deep vein thrombosis. Blood Advances 4(20):5002-5010

Hannevik, T.-L. Brekke, J., Enden, T., Frøen, H., Garresori, H., Jacobsen, E.M., Paulsen, P.Q., Porojnicu, A.C., Ree, A.H.,  Torfoss, D., Velle, E.O., Wik, H.S., Ghanima, Waleed, Sandset, P.M., Dahm, A.E.A. (2020). Thrombosis and bleedings in a cohort of cancer patients treated with apixaban for venous thromboembolism. Thrombosis Research 196:238-244

Karlsvik, Tina Margrethe, Borgenvik, Thore Langfeldt, Aadalen, Mirjam, Utne, Kristin, Førsund, Eli, Jørgensen, Camilla Tøvik, Holst, René, Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars-Petter, Ghanima, Waleed (2020). Fatigue after initiating rivaroxaban for venous thromboembolism. Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis 4(4):1-4   Cristin-ID: 1800648

Michel, M., Ruggeri, M., Gonzales-Lopez, T.J., Alkindi, S.S., Cheze, S., Ghanima, Waleed, Anderson, T.H., Ebbo, M., Terriou, L., Bussel, J.B., Godeau, B. (2020). Use of thrombopoietin receptor agonists for immune thrombocytopenia in pregnancy: results from a multicenter study. Blood

Rinde, F.B., Frønæs, Synne G., Ghanima, Waleed, Vik, A., Hansen, J.-B., Brækkan, S.K. (2020). D-dimer as a stand-alone test to rule out deep vein thrombosis. Thrombobis Research   Cristin-ID: 1820494

Rutherford, Ole Christian, Jonasson, C., Ghanima, Waleed, Söderdahl, F., Halvorsen, S. (2020). Comparison of dabigatran, rivaroxaban and apixaban for effectiveness and safety in atrial fibrillation; a nationwide cohort study. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy 6(2):75-85   Cristin-ID: 1779824

Tavoly, Mazdak, Gleditsch, Jostein, Ghanima, Josef P., Bremtun, Fredrik, Schintzkewitz, Martin, Thrane, K.J., Jervan, Øyvind, Ghanima, Waleed (2020). The mean bilateral proximal extension of the clot is associated with pulmonary embolism severity parameters and management-associated outcomes. Acta Radiologica

Tjønnfjord, Eirik, Holme, P.A., Darne, B., Khelif, A., Waage, A., Michel, M., Romdhan, N.B., Ghanima, Waleed (2020). Long-term outcomes of patients treated with rituximab as second-line treatment for      adult immune thrombocytopenia - Follow-up of the RITP study. British Journal of Haematology

Van Dam, L.F., Dronkers, C.E.A., Gautam, G., Eckerbom. A., Ghanima, WaleedGleditsch, Jostein., von Heijne, A., Hofstee, H.M.A., Hovens, M.M.C.,  Huisman, M.V., Kolman, S., Mairuhu, A.T.A., Nijkeuter, M., van der Ree, M.A., van Rooden, C.J., Weaterbeek, R.E., Westerink, J., Westerlund, E., Kroft, L.J.M., Klok, F.A. (2020). Magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosis of recurrent ipsilateral deep vien thrombosis. Blood 135(16)  Cristin--ID: 1824489

Van Dam, L.F., Gautam, G., Dronkers, C.E.A., Ghanima, Waleed, Gleditsh, Jostein, von Heijne, A., Hofstee, H.M.A., Hovens, M.M.C., Huisman, M.V., Kolman, S., Mairuhu, A.T.A., Nijkeuter, M., van de Ree, M.A., van Rooden, C.J., Westerbeek, R.E., Westerink, J., Westerlund, E., Kroft, L.J.M., Klok, F.A. (2020). Safety of using the combination of the Wells rule and D-dimer test for excluding acute recurrent ipsilateral deep vein thrombosis. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis     Cristin-ID: 1824489

Publikasjoner 2019
Adelborg K., Kristensen, N.R., Nørgaard M., Bahmanyar S., Ghanima, Waleed, Kilpatrick K., Frederiksen, H., Ekstrand, C., Sørensen, H.T., Christiansen, C. F.(2019). Car​diovascular and bleeding outcomes in a population-based cohort of patients with immune thrombocytopenia. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 17(6):912–924
Aftab, Hira, Fagerland, M.W., Gondal, Ghous, Ghanima, Waleed, Olsen, Magnus Kringstad, Nordby, Tom (2019). Gastric sleeve resection as day-case surgery – what affects the discharge time? Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 15(2):2018-2024
Aftab, Hira, Fagerland, M.W., Gondal, Ghous, Ghanima, Waleed, Olsen, Magnus Kringstad, Nordby, Tom (2019). Pain and nausea after bariatric surgery with total intravenous anesthesia versus desflurane anesthesia – a double blind, randomized, controlled trial [Article in press]. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 15(3):1505-1512
Blomkvist, Andreas Wahl, Zadig, P., Christoffersen, Stian, Kaushal, S., Nordengen, Eirik, Shanmugarajah, Inthujan, Ghanima, Waleed. (2019). Hjemmebehandling ved lungeembolisme. Tidsskrift for den Norske legeforening 139(18)
Christiansen, C.F., Bahmanyar, S., Ghanima, Waleed, Risbo, N., Ekstrand, C., Stryker, S., Acquavella, J., Kilpatrick, K., Frederiksen, H., Nørgaard, M., Toft Sørensen, H. (2019). Chronic immune thrombocytopenia in Denmark, Sweden and Norway: The Nordic Country Patient Registry for Romiplostim. EClinicalMedicine 14:80-87
Cooper, N., Ghanima, Waleed (2019). Immune thrombocytopenia. The New England Journal of Medicine 381(10):945-55
Frederiksen, H., Szépligeti, S., Bak, M., Ghanima, Waleed, Hasselbach, H.C., Christensen, C.F. (2019). Vascular diseases in patients with chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms: impact of comorbidity. Clinical Epidemiology 11:955-967
Garabet, Lamya, Ghanima, Waleed, Rangberg, Anbjørg, Teruel-Montoya, R., Martinez, C., Lozano, M.L., Nystrand, Camilla F., Bussel, J.B., Sandset, P.M., Jonassen, Christine M. (2019). Circulating microRNAs in patients with immune thrombocytopenia before and after treatment with thrombopoietin-receptor agonists. Platelets 18:1-8
Garabet, Lamya, Ghanima, Waleed, Hellum, M., Sandset, P.M., Bussel, J.B., Tran, H., Henriksson, C.E. (2019). Increased microvesicle-assiated thrombin generation in patients with immune thrombocytopenia after initiation of thrombopoietin receptor agonists. Platelets
Garabet, Lamya, Henriksson, C.E., Lozano, M.L., Ghanima, Waleed, Bussel, J., Brodin, E., Fernández-Peréz, M.P., Martínez, C.,  González-Conejero, R., Mowinckel, M.-C., Sandset, P.M. (2019). Markers of endothelial cell activation and neutrophil extracellular traps are elevated in immune thrombocytopenia but are not echanced by thrombopoietin receptor agonists. Thrombosis Research 185:119-124 (online 30.11.2019)
Ghanima, Waleed, Cooper, N., Rodeghiero, F., Gaodeau, B., Bussel, J.B. (2019). Thrombopoietin receptor agonists: ten years later. Haematologica 104(6):2-7
Lozano, M.L., Garabet, Lamya, Fernandez-Perez, M.P., De los Reyes-Garcia, A.M., Diaz-Lozano, P., Garcia-Barbera N., Aguia, S., Vicente, V., Ghanima, Waleed, Martinez, C., Gonzalez-Conjero, R. (2019). Platelet activation and neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation in immune thrombocytopenia: is there an association? Platelets
Ording, A.G., Risbo Kristensen, N., Frederiksen, H., Alam, N., Bahmanyar, S., Ghanima, Waleed, Nørgaard, M., Christiansen, C.F. (2019). Routine critical care for chronic immune thrombocytopenia purpura in Denmark, 2009-2015. Hematology 24(1):732-736
Provan, D., Arnold, D.M., Bussel, J.B., Chong, B.H., Cooper, N., Gernsheimer, T., Ghanima, Waleed, Godeau, B., Gonzales-Lopez, T., Grainger, J., Hou, M., Kruse, C., McDonald, V., Michel, M., Newland, A.C., Pavord, S., Rodeghiero, F., Scully, M., Tomiyama, Y., Wong, R.S., Zaja, F., Kuter, D.J. (2019). Updated international consensus report on the investigation and management of primary immune thrombocytopenia Blood Advances 3(22):3780-3817
Skajaa, N., Szépligeti, S.K., Horváth-Puhó, E., Ghanima, Waleed, Hansen, J.-B., Toft Sørensen, H. (2019). Initiation of statins and risk of venous thromboembolism: population-based matched cohort study. Thrombosis Research 184:99-104
Stavem, K., Skjaker, S.A., Hoel, H., Naumann, Markus Georg, Sigurdsen, U., Ghanima, Waleed, Utvåg, S.E. (2019). Risk factors for symptomatic venous thromboembolism following surgery for closed ankle fracture: a case-control study Foot & Ankle Surgery
Publikasjoner 2018

Andresen, K., Atar, D., Gjertsen, E., Ghanima, Waleed, Roseth, S., Johansen, O.E. (2018). Mechanisms of action and clinical use of specific reversal agents for non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants.  Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal, 52(3)  

Birgegard, G., Samuelsson, J., Ahlstrand, E., Ejerblad, E., Enevold, C., Ghanima, Waleed, Hasselbalch, H., Nilsen, C.H., Knutsen, H., Pedersen, O.B.,  Sørensen, A., Andreassen, B. (2018). Inflammatory functional iron deficiency common in myelofibrosis, contributes to anemia and impairs quality of life. From the Nordic MPN study group. European Journal of Haematology   

Bjerrum, O.W., Samuelsson, J., Ghanima, Waleed, Kauppila, M., Andersen, C.L., on behalf of the Nordic Myeloprofilerative Neoplasms Study Group (2018). Thromboembolism prophylaxis in patients with Philadelphia-nagative myeloproliferative neoplams: clinical practice among Nordic specialists. European Journal of Haematolgy, 100(5): 475-478   

Frønæs, Synne Grønvold, Wik, H.S., Dahm, C.T., Gleditsch, JosteinRaouf, Nezar, Klok, F.A., Ghanima, Waleed(2018). Safety of d-dimer as a stand-alone test for the exclusion of deep vein thrombosis compared to other strategies.  Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis,  16(12): 2471-2481  

Ghanima, Waleed, Boiocchi, L., Lee, C.S., Feng, X, Geyer, J.T., Gudbrandsdottir, S., Orazi, A., Junker, P., Bussel, J.B. (2018).  Immune thrombocytopenia is associated with persistently deranged fibrosis-related seromarker profiles but low bone marrow fibrosis grades: A 2-year observational study on thrombopoietin receptor agonist treatment. Platelets, 30(2):222-228 

Lindgren, M., Samuelsson, J., Nilsson, L., Knutsen, H., Ghanima, Waleed, Westin, J., Johansson, P.L., Andréasson, B. (2018). Genetic variation in IL28B (IFNL3) and response to interferon-alpha treatment in myeloproliferative neoplasms. European Journal of Haematology, 100(5)419-425   

Rutherford, Ole-Christian Walter, Jonassen, C., Ghanima, WaleedHolst, René, Halvorsen, S. (2018). New score for assessing bleeding risk in patients with atrial fibrillation treated with NOACs. Open Heart, 



Tavoly, Mazdak, Wik, H.S., Sirnes, P.-A., Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars-PetterGhanima, Josef  P., Klok, F.A., Sandset, P.-M., Ghanima, Waleed (2018). The impact of post-pulmonary embolism syndrome and its possible determinants. Thrombosis Research, 171:84-91 


Utne, Kristin Kornelia, Dahm, A., Wik, H.S., Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars Petter, Sandset, P.M., Ghanima, Waleed(2018). Rivaroxaban versus warfarin for the prevention of post-thrombotic syndrome. Thrombosis Research, 57(2):301-304   


Wik, H.S., Enden, T.R., Ghanima, Waleed, Engeseth, M., Kahn, S.R., Sandset, P.M. (2018). Diagnostic scaled for the post-thrombotic syndrome. Thrombosis Research, 164:110-115 

Sist oppdatert 22.11.2022