
Bli bedre kjent med de som har tatt doktorgrad i Sykehuset Østfold.



​Frønæs Vikum, Synne
​Frigstad, Svein Oskar
​Rutherford, Ole Christian W.

​Prydz, Agnete Digital Public Defence: Agnete Prydz - Institute of Basic Medical Sciences (
​Holte, Kari Resuscitation of term and near-term newborns in low-resourced settings: Studies of positive end-expiratory pressure and expired CO2 during bag-mask ventilation at birth | UiS Scholarly Publishing Services
​Garabet, Lamya​ Digital Public Defence: Lamya Garabet - Institute of Clinical Medicine (


Molund, Marius Isolated gastrocnemius tightness in foot pathology - diagnostics, treatment and outcomes
​Tavoly, Mazdak Persistent dyspnea, exercise limitation and impaired health-related quality of life in patients surviving pulmonary embolism



Kahrs, Christian Riddervold​ Celiac disease in two Norwegian prospective birth cohorts: infections and growth in early life


 Advani, Rajiv

Utne, Kristin Cornelia Long-term outcomes of deep vein thrombosis – Studies on diagnosis, prevention and impact of post-thrombotic syndrome
​Larsen, Anne Sofie Occupational radiation and additional registry outcomes in endovascular treatment of peripheral arterial disease
​Hetland, Arild ​Adaptive servo-ventilation as supplemental treatment in patients with chronic heart failure and Cheyne- Stokes respiration
​Neuman, Markus Timing, complications, and functional outcome of surgery for closed ankle fractures
Leonardsen, Ann-Chatrin Helsetjenesteforskning
Dlawer Abdulla Barzenje Disputas: Dlawer Abdulla Barzenje - Hemato-onkologi - Institutt for klinisk medisin (



Bjerke, Espen​ Mellommenneskelige problemer hos psykiatriske pasienter
Brelin, Siri Palliativ medisin


Ramtvedt, Bjørn Erik Behandling av barn og unge med ADHD


Austeng, Marit Erna Hearing loss, otitis media with effusion and obstructive sleep apnea in children with Down syndrome
Størkson, Ragnhild Clinical Challenges in Colonic and Rectal Adenocarcinomas
Haug, Jon Birger Infeksjonsmedisin/farmakologi - Institutt for klinisk medisin
Johannessen, Hege Hølmo Anal incontinence in primiparae: Prevalence, Predictors and Quality of Life
Debes, Anders Training and Assessment of Basic Laparoscopic Skills - Development of an Evidence-Based Simulation Curriculum
Øgrim, Geir Electrophysiology in ADHD. Diagnosis, predictions, and treatment


Bernitz, Stine Differentiated birth care for low-risk women - Medical and economic perspectives


Grøvle, Lars Sciatica and disc herniation: The complexity of self-reported symptoms, health complaints and return to work
Haugen, Anne Julsrud Sciatica and disc herniation: Outcome measures and prognostic factors
Sørby, Lise Aagaard New insights into markers and mechanisms in colon cancer progression and metastasis


Sjøborg, Katrine Dønvold Cervical neoplasia: Causes and consequenses
Ha, Lisa Energy- and protein supplementation to elderly stroke patients at nutritional risk in hospital
Jelsness-Jørgensen, Lars-Petter Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): the importance of fatigue, disease-related worries and Health-related Quality of Life

    Sist oppdatert 21.03.2024